Worthless Truck Drivers!

That's crazy, because if everyone merged left when the sign says too, traffic would never stop flowing. It's the idiots that stay in the wrong lane until the last minute that imped traffic.

Exactly... there's always an a-hole that you know saw the sign, but has to cut in line.

I love when the truckers block those guys. I would let them in if they blocked them all the way down, but they don't know that I will and do not stay even with me...

In cases where traffic bottlenecks, I prefer to get behind a truck and keep a steady 5 - 10 mph roll behind a trailer; rather than speed up, stop, speed up, stop, speed up, stop.... Just do a slow roll keeping up with the trucks so I don't have to keep hitting my brakes.

I have no problem getting along with truckers on the road. Show them a little courtesy and they will get out of your way and leave you alone. I just use these rules:

1. If a truck signals to change into my lane, and I'm over half way past the back of the trailer, I will accelerate to get out of his way, and/or move over if there is another open lane.

2. If a truck signals to change into my lane and I am less than half past the back of the trailer, I gently apply the brakes to slow down and when the back of the trailer is clear of the front of my car, I flash the brights on and off twice to signal that the lane is clear and I am letting him in. He will then move over when he passes the person pulled over or other slower truck to let me by. The courteous ones will flash their trailer lights off and on twice to say "thanks" after I let them in.

3. Dim your brights when you come up on a truck from either direction.

I learned this from many years of driving at night with the truckers. I can't remember the last time I had a run in with a trucker. Besides, one of my good friends from high school's dad was a trucker and retired from Roadway after a long career. Mr. O'shea taught me how to cut a half hour off my trip to Detroit. I used to call him my "walking Rand McNally" before computers and google maps. He was actually better for directions before he retired. He would tell you what alternate route to take to avoid the current road construction in that city. Mr. O'shea was a typical feisty Irishman, good guy and fun to be around...