It's really cold here!

So you know about the station in Alaska also huh?
They say "It's just a atmospheric study station" but what the hell would all those commercial generators be needed for?
Yes i do,and that aint the only one and if you get into some research and documentary's on controlling the weather which our gov does it will shock the **** outa you what they are capable of,what better way of controlling a country or a nation without recourse and total deniability...think about it and think about all the weird **** thats been happening just here at home with the weather in past 20 yrs as I believe only a small percentage is natural,same with 911,I do not think it went down as they say it did..we are being 'tested' to see how far they can push us without a revolution and in the name freedom, homeland security which is nothing more than a soon to come police state and scare tactics all in the name of freedom and control,a little at a time our freedoms are eroding for 'security' reasons and people are doing nothing...with the technology that the usa posesses at this moment would blow your minds,some of what 'we' think is new tech is actually 20+yrs old and we as a people are way behind in our thinking and we will be taken down without a shot and from within probably pretty soon like next 3-5 yrs or less and aint much we will be able to do about it but they will have to shoot my *** before I comply with the new world order and give up my weapons but I dont feel thats the way they are gonna go about it,control the weather,food supply,water and utilities and boom,you have total control not counting the money[cash] which is coming to an end and there will be one world currentcy,one world gov etc....yea I know it's crazy stuff but I see it coming,dont believe it just research it and what other countries have already done...we as a country cannot keep going the way we are going and last for long,someone has to pay the piper,also chk out 'before its news' ,spooky stuff in this world...