Building a 318 on a tight budget.

Do you have to use Summit? Mancini has some great prices for "refresh kits" if you haven't already bought any parts.

Their Sealed Power kit "B" includes the following for $205:

B-KIT Includes:

-Sealed Power Rod bearings

-Sealed Power Main bearings

-Felpro Gasket Set

-Sealed Power Rings (Moly)

Their "C" kit includes the following for $400:

C-KIT Includes:

-Sealed Power Rod bearings

-Sealed Power Main bearings

-Sealed Power Cam Bearings

-Freeze Plugs

-Melling Oil Pump

-Felpro Gasket Set

-Sealed Power Rings (Moly)

-Sterling Pistons (Cast)

If they could ship to you, you may get a better deal.

Here's a link to the main refresh page with 8 options (4 each from Sealed Power or Michigan Engine)

I think that you should run the xe268 cam with your setup. It should have a rumpety rump and still be streetable as it is close to a stock 340 cam.

And welcome to FABO!

Congrats on your first post.