Been thinking, need your opinions

I'd say it depends on things such as:

1) how much are you going to drive it? If you're putting a 1000 miles per week on it you might be better off looking for an economy car.

2) how important is instant reliability to you? There may not be a guarantee that a newer car will never leave you stranded, but a 40 some year old vehicle will usually need some work and more maintenance. If it's your only transportation and you absolutely cannot miss work, then once again a newer car might make more sense.

3) If you're looking at it from the financial aspects of the purchase, you're most likely going to be a lot better off spending the least you can in comparison to the value of what you're getting. Some older cars end up being money pits that constantly suck the cash from your wallet. But if you get a solid car that is a popular model with potentially high resale value you should be in good shape. At least you should be able to recoup your investment if you bought it at the right price.

All that having been said, I enjoy driving 'vintage tin'. Taxes ARE cheaper. Gas is quite a bit more expensive but I tend to drive the older cars locally the most and use our Sebring convertible or pickup for longer distances.

Oh, I think maybe I tend to smile more when I'm in the old cars too! LOL