Rearview Mirror Adhesive

I'm about ready to bite the bullet and buy a replacement mirror for the AZDart. It'll never be a show car, so "correct" is not an issue. The plan WAS to buy a replacement glue on mirror with a two-part glue kit, follow the directions and have done with it! Now that the first two mirror hanging buttons have fallen off when I hung the mirror it's gettin' kinda frustrating!

After spending hours on the net it seems that there are at least four different adhesive kits and the small print on the back of one of the cards (that the seller was kind enough to post a picture of) mentioned that their stuff "works best" on the metal buttons that seem to be most common. Mine (of course) is plastic!.

Does anyone have recommendations for a mirror replacement glue that WORKS??



use the 3M repair kits and a metal button.
nothing works good (long term)on the plastic buttons. if you can hit a salvage yard and (your going to trash the windshield) grab the mirror by the glass part and rotate it 90 so you can press down on the mirror stem, it will separate it from the windshield. Remove the button from the mirror and double check that it fits in your mirror. if not try another brand vehicle until you find one that fits your mirror. scrape the vinyl laminate off the button and clean with acetone to remove all traces it. Then you can glue it in the general location of where your old original mirror hung down to. I raised one up(1 inch) on a friends car. He so darn tall that it was a pain looking at the mirror.

clean your windshield( acetone will deglaze it well) and then scrape the area with a razor blade to double check yourself,Then clean it again with alcohol
test mount it to where you want it. have a person on the OUTSIDE of the windshield draw around the button with a crayon or grease pencil so you know where to mount it and make sure the button is level to the cowl.
smear the primer on the button area and then the glue un the button. tape the button to the glued area and wait following directions. if you do it in the wrong location you will have to live with it since once it's glues on good it WILL break the windshield if you try and remove it. even using heat will de-laminate the glass in that area and cause windshield failure due to the amount of heat needed to soften the glue used in the repair kits.