Smokers Beware

Personally, I see no need to ban smoking all together. Less and less people are smoking than ever before. The people who are, either will quit or wont. It's something that is a lot less fashionable than it was back in the 50's and 60's and fewer kids are growing up around it now, so they really don't pick up the habit. That is going to continue and the number of smokers will steadily decline. R.J. Reynolds figured this out years ago, that's why they bought Kraft Foods and several other ventures.
My family used to have tobacco base, now we don't bother, can't even sub-let it. A farmer is contracted by the company's and is told how much to grow. It's a set price so, there isn't a risk for the farmer, and no need to over grow, he's not allowed to sell any over the contract amount. At least that's how it's done here in Ohio now. I don't miss messing with tobacco, it was hard work and that was enough to keep me from wanting anything to do with it. We'll never really see the end of smoking or tobacco use, at least not in our lifetimes. But look around, see how much it's dropped since we were kids.