Memike happy, it took a few years.

My thoughts as well till a friend showed me under his padding that is stayed on the old metal and was coming loose on the new metal, it may have been a prep thing :-s going to slick it up with wire wheel now after what I am reading :color:

I also use brake parts cleaner (the chlorinated red can) to clean the parts before priming or painting and using a clean shop rag to wipe. Or laquer thinner (paint thinner). This will get the grease and oil off the part that can cause "fish eyes" in the paint, or the paint not to stick. I like to use brake parts cleaner over carb cleaner because it dries faster. Also, do not use silicone lubricants near the part before painting - it is difficult to remove and will cause fish eyes (a series of spots where paint will not stick).

Most of getting paint and primer to stick is getting the surface as clean as possible. Rust free and grease/oil free. The better you clean it, the longer it will last. :violent1:

I just spoke to my bro who has been in body work for many years. He says to get the flaky rust off (minimum). If you can get it any cleaner, that is better - wire wheel is good. Then apply the POR-15 on what is left over. No primer, driectly to the metal and any "surface rust" if any. It will last a long time.

And speaking of a long time, he cautions to USE GLOVES when handling POR-15, it won't come off your hands even with solvent. It will have to wear off if you get it on you. It also sticks to the car that well... (Good news) :cheers: