906 head porting Dart short turn

I know in Don Dulmage's book he says to leave the short sides and guides slam alone. Says the flow bench "doesn't know the difference. All he says to do is open the bowls up and blend them good and gasket match the intake and exhaust ports but not to go too far in. Kinda makes you rethink some of this other stuff. Comin from an old guy that runs 11.50s in a 4100 pound 74 Charger that speaks volumes.

Thanks for the comparison. Its Good info...Mopar said the same thing...dont touch the short turn. Yet those that reach out quickly found that working the short turn really helped flow. All the references I listed found cfm improvement working the short turn, and doing so got past the flow stall at mid-upper lifts. I notice the short side and bowl volumes of Stealth, and Edy heads is nothing like the oem 906....so there must have been room for improvement.

Technology never stops. This is the age of wet & dry flowbench studies. Anyone telling me that a cylinder head design from the 1960’s only needs a bowl blend to optimize the flow…well they can believe what they want.
But for me…I’ll listen to the likes of Dwayne Porter and Dart wet flow results.