MPG Increace

Not only is it costing you a lot of gas but the wear and tear on an old car is not like a new Toyota that will go 300,000 miles with out anything major happening.

Plunk down a few thousand and get a Toyota or Honda to drive daily and save your old car

I got my '79 Magnum from the original owner who stop recording miles after 10 years of ownership @ 324,000
He then gave it to his daughter for 4 years of collage. He said she was home on the weekends a lot from collage. 4 hours away with clear traffic.
His son got the car next for 4 years at the same collage. Lord GOD knows what or where boys go and do with a car!
He the. Used the car as a daily driver for 10 years at a 40 mile 1 way ride. That is 80 miles a day X's 5 days. Yep, a min. Of 400 miles a week.

You do the math!

He recorded EVERYTHING! on and about the car down to a blown light bulb repair on the radio. (Yes! Really!) 1 major repair. Tranny rebuilt. Must have been due to towing. He had a hitch welded on.

American quality? Good habits on taking care of a car is more my guess!
Foreign quality? Not in my book! I know a few of my high school friends that work at Toyota & Nissan. They tell me with a dead seriousness NOT to buy a car from the company they work for! No if and or buts!

If my old Dodges 318 can do this kind of mileage/longevity, there is no reason why other MoPars can't do it.