Opinions wanted

That's not a wild build by any means and it will work with a stock stall converter, but it would benefit from a higher than stock stall converter. Like the others said something in the 2200-2500 range will do real good. A high stall converter not only gets the engine up in the power band quicker so the car is faster but it also helps a car with a lumpy cam idle in gear because it slips a little down low.

The terminology booboo is no big deal IMO. Forever and a day we've said a lot of things that weren't technically correct and 9 out of 10 guys know what you mean. It's a slang thang, LOL

Haha. For sure.

So after doing some research, it seems that the 3.23 are not available for the 489 case (Which I have) So I think I'm going to step up to the 3.55 Gears.

I gave a call to PTC yesterday and gave Tim? my specs, and he suggested a 9.5" converter with a stall speed 2500-2700. The price was $475 + shipping. Do you think that stall is too high?

He did say it will drive nice around town and I won't notice the converter until I put my foot into it. That is what I really want, is to be able to drive the car comfortably, but when I want to get into it, its not embarrassing.

Thoughts on that converter?