Car on my mind...

depending on where in Cali it is, maybe someone from the board here will go look at it for you and give it a look. If it realyl could get running easily, maybe they'd get it for you and you could fly out, get it running, and drive it home....

or have it shipped... that is cheaper than having it break down in the middle of nowhere and having to deal with that... as well as time off work to get it home etc...

First thing I EVER bought on e-bay was my 68 Barracuda. Car was in San Jose and I was flying out for Spring Fling anyway so it seemed like a good idea. Hitched a ride from LA to San Jose with Max after the show and ended up spending 4 nights at his house. There was a list of some 34 items that was wrong with the car and we fixed most of them over 3-1/2 days. The turning point was Tuesday which was the date of my return flight. Once past that, there was no looking back. Left late Thursday afternoon from Mountain View and got home Monday night, the day after Easter.

Drove through NV, UT, and CO mountains w/o heater, radio, instrument lights, almost bald 255-60x15's on the rear through rain, sleet, even snow in Vail on Easter morning. etc. Even a windstorm in Kansas complete with tumble weeds. Only had a handful of tools that I carried on the plane, primitive cell phone w/o a charger and roaming charges that I kept turned off. Pulled over by cops in three different states. Had a slight overheating problem East of Sacramento and charging problems in Western Nevada. Slept in the back for two nights at rest areas. (fold-down seat) Almost quit in Indy Monday afternoon when I hit a huge construction zone and the traffic was bumper to bumper backed up to forever.

Called ahead when I was a few miles away and my wife and kids had the garage door open with the regular car parked outside. Rolled in at 11 PM and got up and went to work the next morning. One bad thing was my son drove the car out of the garage Monday and washed it before I had a chance to take pictures of the battle-worn carcass. Over $300 for gas and maximum cruising speed was only 62 MPH due to a crushed rear shock that I didn't see.

Yeah, I'd do it again in a minute.