"I'm getting out of MoPar" threads.........

Hey all, I don't post here much, not because I don't want to, just because I don't have the time. So... there is part of the car "problem".

I've not driven the Dart in 12 years, and I am only 35. Talk about commitment... what guy burns through the best years of their life with their classic on jack stands? I do I guess.

For me, it is time & money. I am a saver, and made it a priority to not go into debt over this car. So, that in itself extends the project. I've changed everything on the car, which has made the project pretty expensive. More than I expected being a "dumb kid" starting out. I started on it when I was single/had a gf, redid a house while the project waited, got married, had a daughter, moved to a bigger house (and everything that comes along with that), worked on the Dart when I could, had another daughter, etc. Life moves you in different directions.

The Dart has always been a hobby, as in, something to tinker with when I had the time and money. Anymore, it is really a time issue more than money. It is almost "done" (driveable), but it is tough getting there for some reason. This winter has not helped!!!! :thefinge:

All through this adventure a career that has been pretty taxing at times, time consuming, but something that I enjoy (most of the time...).

To the point -- it is an expensive and time consuming hobby. If you keep your head about you, and don't start changing things, it can stay reasonable. I learned this the hard way. Either way, for a nice car, a paint job, interior, motor refresh, and restored brite-work is still very expensive. Having a Mopar really turns your wallet inside out in this area. If you can do this all yourself, that helps a lot, but then there is that time thing again.

Mopars are more expensive, no doubt. But, I think they also have a nice return, if that is what you are going for. All of my other cars are GM, the Dart is the only Mopar I own. I guess you could say I "prefer" GM because they have been good to me. But when it comes to old cars, I am very open about things as there are many classics that I would love to have.

It has been really frustrating at times with the Dart. Getting pissed and letting it sit for months. This is mostly due to the aftermarket/mods that I have made and things not working out (fitment issues, quality issues, you name it). The next car I do will be mostly stock with maybe the engine/drivetrain hopped up a little bit, nothing crazy. Something that I know I can enjoy in a few years with the family.

That's my two cents...