drive shaft length

I guess their just trying to cover their butt's cause so many guys can't read a tape measure and add numbers. A buddy of mine is like that. The shop he was using told him to measure it and he didn't know how so he asked me and I told him. He gets one made and it's way too long and was mad at the shop saying they screwed up. I went down and measured and don't know how he came up with what he did but it was over 2" too long. Of course it was the shops fault and all the shop had was word of mouth so they ended up eating a driveshaft.

See thats the problem the people measure there way and not what the shop wants.

Everything in the driveline world is done on CENTERS, or a overall dimension missing a component on CENTER. Every part and piece is made on a center measurement, not back of, front of, from here to there, slid in this much, and slip yokes are all different lengths and there is a reason for that also or they could all simply be 1.7" to 2" long, but they are 9" to 4" long

I usually want the tail shaft to center and seal to center, if the slip is owned i want the slip bottomed out in the trans till it can not go in any further, not against the seal or against the dust boot, i want it smashed into the trans until you hear it hit and stop.

Any deviation from what i want is 75 per chance, i explain to the customer like this, the 1st time i shorten it based on your way it is 75, the 2nd time i shorten it again your way it is 75, until the 3rd time and then its not a game any more and this isn't a hobby shop and it is 3 x 75, if you totally screw it up and it becomes to short a retube is a different labor rate and will be doubled at the 3rd try.
If you do it my way it's 75 once and only once.

Call the shop you're going to use for the work and let them tell you how they want the measurement.
