76 plymouth duster

What it's worth depends more on what we can't see in the pics. What is under the hood and does it run?( for 76 the best you could do is a 360). How bout the frame, floors, trunk. Dash pad looks wasted, so guessing not much else good interior? Yes they are all fixable, but just by the way you asked the question I assume you are not the one who will be repairing that metal. So, lots of expense. Do yourself a favor and make a list of what you think the car needs, price it out. Take a guess how long you think it will take to do it. Now double both numbers and you are getting closer to reality. I actually paid more for my slanty rust bucket 5 years ago and it still is not on the road. So, If all that works for you then you must love Mopars and welcome aboard!