So close to running, but then this happened!

Well today's been a big disappointment.

First, I'm very close to getting my Duster running, just need to wire the ignition, slap on the carb and get her some fluids.

Everything was going great until I was putting on the headers and got to the last stud...

*Snap tink!* :banghead: There goes the stud it broke with only 1/4" of it sticking out of the cyl. head. I wasn't even putting that much torque on it either.

*Sigh..* So I drilled a hole into the stud and tried to use an easy out to get the darn thing out.

*Snap tink!* :banghead::banghead: There goes the easy out, it broke inside the hole.

*Grrr... grumble* So I then tried to see if I can drill out the easy out, and see if I can get the stud weakened enough to break apart.

*Rrrrrr... CCRRRRTTCHHH!!! SNAP!* :banghead::banghead::banghead:

Auuughhrrr!! @#%#@*^%$#! (As my neighbor looks at my garage funny wondering what happened in there) You guessed it the drill bit snapped.

I've just about given up... I'm so close, yet this broken piece of stubborn steel is... is... There! Just mocking me!

The question is I know I can probably just run it with broken stud, but then it will be prone to exhaust leaks. I don't think these are junked because of this, but this will complicate things.

I cannot simply find another head as these 308 swirl port heads are not very common in the salvage yard around here, plus these have been milled.

I can take it to the machine shop, but then I will be taking a step backward and have to take apart the top half of the motor, buy new gaskets, then reassemble it again. As well as wait on the machine shop to see if they can take it out.

Or are there some magic miracle tricks to getting a FUBAR'ed [stud/easy-out/drill bit] out?