question for HVAC guys

Most blower motors are bushing bearings. I always pulled the blower, pulled it apart, and cleaned......many times actually hosed out........the blower cage and housing.

Then take an awl and punch small holes in the end caps so you can inject some (used to use either 20 or 30 wt non detergent) in one of those "Zoom" oilers.

Probably my worst service call of all time involved an empty summer home on the lake. It was a heavy winter, road was not plowed, and I had to chain up and slog through about a foot of snow just to get there. This was an aging heat pump and was being used to maintain minimum cabin temp, and had quit. It had not been serviced in years and years.

The heat pump was unfixable under those conditions, and should have been replaced. So I endeavored to service the electric furnace and set it up for "emergency heat". Pulled out the blower, and for some reason, there was a sort of hardware screen (factory) above the blower outlet. I took a look "up in there" to see how bad it was

Here were about 10 TAILS hanging down. Bunch of mice had gotten in there SOMEhow and died, and their tails were all hanging down into this screen.

My effin boss!!!!! I get back to the shop.............."Where you been?" "What tookyasolong?"

This was back in the day when we just had a "beeper" pager. So if I was somewhere without a phone, well, that's where I was!!!