Dont Be Worried

Congrat's!!! And have a great trip!

Here are a couple you can try on her.

Why do women get married in white? So they can match the rest of the kitchen appliances.

Why do women have smaller feet? It's an evolutionary thing so they can stand closer to the sink.


A woman wakes up in middle of the night to find that her husband isn't in bed. Curious, she gets up and looks through the house for him. She finds him in the kitchen staring at the wall in deep thought, blinking back tears.

She asks him, "What's the matter dear?"

He asks, "Remember 20 years ago when you were 16 and we first started dating?"

"Yes", she says...

"Remember when your father caught us having sex in the back seat of my car?"

"Yes", she says...

"Remember when he said that we either get married or he would have me sent to jail?", he asked with a tear running down his cheek.

"Yes", she says...

"I would have gotten out today...."