93 Vipers to be crushed??!!

They are stating that it's age determines it's loss of educational value...

I guess it depends on how you look at it? According to how the car is used for education, sure, it may be out dated technology, but "value" is a big word to throw in the trash, entirely.

While age destroys values in some aspects, it gains value, equally in other ways. Usually, in rarity and financially.

So, you tell me... How many kids does $250,000 put through the trade school on more current technology to train on? This is a bull headed move, arrogant at best, put in place without careful campaign or any thought. I'm nobody and I figured out where to put it, in less than 5 minutes. They pay someone to figure out how to help kids in schools for tax write offs. How would Fiat like a few additional $250,000 tax deductions on top of the ones they already got for donating the vehicle to educational use? This is a stupid move, no matter how you look at it.

The auto body school that I had, used an Acura NSX as a paint pig. I remember seeing it's shell on the back of a wrecker, when it was finally done, but it never ran.