How much should I pay for Tuff wheel, button and adapter?

Any time I find an adapter for under $80, I buy it.

Wheels are harder to judge in pics, but $100-$150 is not terrible for a nice one.

To me there are "degrees" of quality for OEM wheels.

I'm still interested if the grip is loose, but the foam is intact.

I'm even still interested if there are minor digs at the backside.

IIRC, from the factory, there was a shiny, almost clearcoat on the surface.

Sometimes it wears almost completely away, leaving a soft, even texture.
I like those better than a partially worn wheel.
(This also may be a year of manufacture thing, not sure)

The horn button and contact ring are kinda easy to find from E body cars.
I say $20 max on those.

So, I'm at $250 for what I consider a "good deal" on a relatively nice one, but maybe not perfect, as part of a complete set.

$350 is not terribly out of line, if it's complete and really, really nice.

The only real deal killers for me are missing foam at the spokes (usually the left one), severe rusting of the metal (although I'd consider one if that was the only issue), and large chunks of foam missing from the face or sides.

I do have a DCS wheel, and mine has slightly narrower in diameter and much firmer foam than the OEM. Still a nice wheel, though.