Birth of the Blue Missile

"Your electromechanical shouldn't be an issue. ---as long as your grounds are good you should be ok.."
Also- is your galaxy a CB only rig, or is it a HAM rig as well? Whats the output power?
The Galaxy is 11meters only, no SSB, 4 watts, set up for maximum modulation...etc. by the shop I bought it from. I did check the seal (right before I cut through it) and there was a new one there with the shop ID and initials, so someone was inside. The RX seems to be well tuned, the chatter here is all out on IH35 by the truckers.
Grounding: :cheers::cheers::cheers:
Each compartment of the car has a master grounding buss connected to the battery, while the body of the car is connected to the system, the body is not the conductor.
first pic is the engine compartment buss bar the second is the trunk's.