Cooling issues, could use some advice

We'll have to agree to disagree on that point. While true that it will affect airflow in it's immediate area, I've yet to seen an engine oil cooler big enough to disrupt airflow for the whole radiator and even the oil cooler heated air isn't all that large of a delta-T to have a huge impact on the radiator's cooling ability.
Still, best would obviously be if it weren't in front of the radiator.
The original oil cooler from the RX-7 would be a good choice if it is still around. Very wide and not very tall.

What part of thermodynamics theory 101 did you miss?

Look here

It is becoming "most probable" from this discussion that the trouble with this system just might be AIRFLOW

So what happens? when you stick that oil cooler in line?

You are going to cause TWO problems

First, the oil cooler is going to reject heat, and where? Right into the airstream of the radiator, so right away you might have cooled the oil a bit, and you put that heat right back into the airstream in front of the radiator. So you've reduce the cooling effect by that much

Secondly, by putting a second heat exhanger in front of the rad, you have further increased the static required to flow air through BOTH coils.

This is a lose-lose deal.