Uh Oh, What Happened to Rani???

Hope you conveyed best wishes and hope she's doin' OK!!!

Well, her cousin was the one who contacted me and gave me Rani's email because they both enjoyed my video blog (she also sent me comments on my video on youtube). So I went ahead and sent her an email. She seemed to be doing fine. She said she can't log onto FABO from over there.

I think there are some gender roles so it may not be appropriate for her to go on this site or maybe FABO just doesn't work with her internet connection... This is what she said,

hi hello.......thanks for the reply. I am not able to log on to FABO right now but I can see youtube and I enjoyed your video. When I get back home I am planning to finish the paint on my 68 dart but I am going to change the color. :^) ...

I was there when they were having a show and social gathering but I was not able to be too nosey and get too close. As you might know females at social events like that are not really a common thing and I didn't want to get in trouble so I kept a distance where no one noticed me watching what was going on there.
But all-in-all she seemed fine.