Sore, bruised and bummed!! Motorcycle gone!

Did they guy with the rocker stop? had something similar happen, caused damage to my car. Guy stopped, realized what happened, said he was going to get his info and blasted off.

Yeah he stopped, and told the Highway patrol that it was his fault and that he takes full responsibility.

I wore a full armored jacket and helmet, if I hadn't I probably would've been awarded a free ambulance ride.

It still smarts like no other lemme tell you.

I'm kinda in a big decision right now. I'm thinking of hanging up the riding bit for quite awhile (possibly forever) I have a 22 month old child and I'm thinking I am not going to put my wife through that loss.
Her ex-husband threw her to the curb when she was pregnant with her first son years ago. (I have one son and two stepsons aged 16 and 18. )