Uh Oh, What Happened to Rani???

kids are kids no matter if boy or girl or where they are from. I am a Colorado native and related to Rani through marriage and here in Colorado as well as the rest of the country we live in a society where too many kids go down the wrong path so if "old cars" can teach and foster a productive life for kids without direction then we should be using them as a tool to bring our kids up.

Rani has a few boy cousins who were not mechanically inclined and one of those boys chose to go down the wrong path, even amongst Rani's girl cousins many did not "get it". Rani was the only one in her family who had interest and ability in the car world, so who are we to have held her back just because she is what she is. There is no "Danica" anything, just a kid who likes cars and has done passed up her teachers.