Vibrations / Shaking / low power

Today we made a run on the "Autobahn"...

No fear, my mech was beside to tell me if something is going really wrong to stop me...

Standing, no feet at the pedal, it was like a Harley-Davidson a little bit. It sounds as if you could hear every ignition.

Accelerating with pedal halfway-down you could feel a little shaking, as if a tire is out of balance. Not so much, but the feeling was a little bit the same. Also, the needle of the odometer was hopping up and down, dancing difference maybe 3 - 5 mph. It felt as if a part of the power was lost somewhere.

Accelerating pedal to the ground you could feel that the engine fights. The shaking became less, to a small but notifyable vibration. It seems that there was still some power missing.

At 100 - 120 mph the engine run totally smooth...

If it comes in at a certain speed/rpm, then there is something out of balance.

Kinda risky to run a car over 100 or even 80 MPH with a vibration....

Can you say, "Chernobyl"????