Selling parts and lack of manners.

My take is that the first guy who emails me gets first dibs. I'll give him a day or so to ask questions and make up his mind. Otherwise it goes to the second person who showed interest. If you're standing in line to buy a candy bar and it happens to be the last one but the guy behind you in line throws his money up on the counter first and he gets it, how fair is that? I've got burned too many times on here to the point that I'm DONE buying parts off this forum. People don't take accurate pictures, don't tell you accurate information, sell you a busted part and blame you, it's irritating as can be. As a buyer, I need some info and better pictures before I buy what you're selling. I think that's common courtesy. Otherwise if you want to sucker some other guy into buying your part without getting any info, be my guest. But I'm not gonna get burned anymore. Rant over. I'm with the OP on this one 100%!