Walking Dead.. just me?

I to have been following the show since episode 1. I still love watching the show and Im excited every Sunday when it comes on. I am however bummed with how slow this second half of the season is. Im sorry but character development is made for season 1, especially for the main characters.

I too have thought about the gas and have yelled at the TV numerous times that they should not be driving anymore. There are things each episode that would not be accurate if it were real life but they are doing the best they can. I cant imagine trying to get everything exactly correct to appease everyone.

I am happy that they got rid of the governor and moved out of the prison. I was however hoping that they would get back to there roots with kicking zombie butt! All the while new characters come in for a few shows and someone you werent expecting dies. I feel that they may be just setting it up for another setting like Woodbury.

I still love this show and its one of my all time favorites, but they need to fix a few things.