Selling parts and lack of manners.

The terms of a sale is always dictated by the seller.............He has every right to sell to anyone he wants to or set conditions for a sale anyway acceptable to him.

That's it, and what I was going to say to cosig.
It's not your responsibility to inform everyone what number in line they are, only thier responsibility to control thier emotions over not getting what they wanted.

The other side of that coin is everybody and their brother wants a shipping quote only to never hear back from them. When I get a quote I don't jack it up. That's why I never post parts online for sale anymore it to much of a pain in the ***.

Ok, so here's the problem I keep having as a seller! I list a part, I get a message right away cause I must be selling at a good price, I message the first guy in line and mark him as the buyer and ask for his zip! Boom, 3 other people say ill take it too before I can even get to the thread to post a sale pending on the item post! I post sale pending in the thread but maybe not everybody reads that, so people who messaged saying ill take it may not know that! Next thing you know, there are 7 people (true) who want the part while I was posting a sale pending in the thread!

Do I have to message everybody personally to alert them of their place in line? From my phone? And then go through the 300 messages I have in my message folder and delete the 6 from this sale, the 3 from the previous 27 sales, all from my phone?

And because everybody is following the rules much better now, no one is posting a "PM Sent" to mark their place in line on the thread, so other than my post, which may or not be read, there appears to be no interest at all in the item!!

Happening just about every listing now, and I'm only listing a couple items at a time!! What should I do the make the masses happy?......

i have found that if you INCLUDE shipping costs IN THE PRICE , guess what ? it weeds out all shipping cost questions.
if someone wants to buy something from me , my shipping is ALWAYS included in the price. I generally give someone 24 hours , to give me an answer , then I move on, BUT I let them know , I am moving on. I have never had an issue selling one single thing with this method

Me too.
It's WAY less hassle, because you only have to look it up once, and there can't be any disagreement about shipping costs.