Selling parts and lack of manners.

My main complaint is not being given the chance to pull the trigger! Cheeze and rice,give a guy one day at least!! In MANy tries here at a purchase,I didnt even get the one days consideration or first in line courtesay. Well seeing how cash is king,if Im in line behind someone at the brocery store and the person ahead of me doesnt have thier wallet out yet,Im just gonna skip ahead and get served first...thats the message here...and if it's a waste of your time to read this,then dont reply because your wasting more of your preciouse"time" lol...

As I said before the seller may need the money immediately to pay his bills or buy another part so waiting around for you to decide while others are ready to step up to the plate and do the deal may cause him a hardship or to miss a part.

This isn't Walmart. You had the chance to pull the trigger or enter serious negotiations when you contacted the seller. If the seller agreed to wait an agreed time then he should do it but otherwise he owes you nothing. If there is no agreement and he wants to wait then he can but if he wants to sell the part than he can.

Have you ever been to a garage sale or a flea market and had to go ask your wife if you could buy something then go back to find someone else buying/bought it? I have been on both sides of that coin and when I didn't get pull the trigger when I had the chance it was my fault not the sellers.

I can't fault any seller that chooses not to wait around unless serious
negotiations are going on.

I don't sell a whole lot of parts but I can tell you in my experience. The "give me a day or two to think about it " usually turns into a sale less than 25% of the time and most of the time I never even get a curtasy call back saying I don't want it!

That must happen a whole lot because a lot of the time I am 3rd to 5th in line on a part and I still end up buying it a few days later.