alcoholic cardiomyopathy

I have been a drinker and seems like in the last couple years worse and heavier because
it just made me feel better, so with that said I have seen a good doctor and learned allot about myself, he said the only thing that has been saving me is my good eating habbits :glasses7:
and staying busy and active, and having a happy out look :D But.. well I won't go in to that the But part...:coffee2:
I drank at least a couple of light beers a day along with a shot of Tequila and when I worked/played outside burning wind fall \ working and cleaning on my car I could go threw a 12 pack in just a few hours and do this 3 times a week if the weather permitted ;) then I brought it inside :D
I was told to quit the beer and enjoy a couple classes of red wine after I eat at night and I must say I miss my cold frosted mugs and watching NHRA and NASCAR this season.......... I have drank for well over 35 years but not like I have for the last 3 years, I have not bought a beer and brought it home to drink in 3 weeks but I did enjoy ONE at the restaurant a couple days ago... my drinking days are over and it's time to move forward with a smile on my face and stand tall for my family and friends.
I just thought of a new problem :banghead: I won't have 6 trash bags full of cans to give to my nephew every other month ;)