Testing a new part out for my convertible early A

Well I'm a parent and I wish my kids had the chance to burn their hands and almost loose and eye like I did.........lucky for me I don't mind them learning the hard way....lol
I wouldn't want anything to do with almost loosing an eye(way too scary for me to even think about). but small burns teach you quick NOT to touch hot stuff in a hurry, just like grabbing thing your not supposed to. like wires and such. lawn mower spark plugs teach a good lesson they arc,stings like heck but won't hurt that bad. famous words that stick in your mine "here hold this while I check it out for spark" :banghead: betcha you don't do that twice. Or the one for my grandson at his first junkyard visit. "take this bolt out pull the cable and look and see if it's a blue plastic gear" about 2 quarts of trans fluid went right into his hair.

anyway work is in progress with all the plans to get them made so
I can have new parts that fit and look like I want them too! and to sell some too!