Walking Dead.. just me?

Two things:

A) Ya gotta remember that the show really isn't about zombies, per se. It's about people, and how they might react in a similar situation, be it zombie apocalypse or some other major catastrophe. It's more about character studies and how people react, interact, and adjust to adversity than action-packed stories. I think the easiest way to learn about a character is to watch them in their "down time". During the action, people are pretty much the same.

B) More importantly, the show has a VERY low budget, at least, relative to most other forms of entertainment. Faster storyline would almost always equal more $$$. How much more would you willing to pay to watch WD?

Reality shows are a lot cheaper to make. We're lucky they aren't our only option these days. (Personally, I'd spend a lot more time in the garage if that were the case.)

I get it about the gasoline, though. I don't think the writers are "car guys". I also assume none of the survivors wear contacts or used a CPAP like me, either, or they'd be dead by now. ;)

It's not my favorite show, but I look forward to it. My wife is a frickin' Walking Dead NUT, though.