alcoholic cardiomyopathy

thanks everyone for the well wish,s been to the doc,s had all the tests ect,got some multi vitamins ect,feeling much better mentally and physically already,the sleep apnea thing is something i,m going to investigate further because i do have interrupted sleep,lots of dreaming and scary nightmares all the time,whether the alcohol is affecting my mental state as i try to sleep not sure ,but the nightmares scare the **** outa me

Best of luck in your recovery. About the sleep apnea...just went thru a sleep study...and have a cpap now. I also had some pretty wild dreams thanks to being bi-polar. Have been on the cpap for a month or so...dreams have subsided somewhat. Now instead of waking up nightly, several times with a panic attack I am able to sleep thru the dreams. Only have a panic attack every few days now....and normally I am able to go back to sleep after waking up from it...You ever need to chat just pm me....