How to install this Hemi hood scoop

The description above doesn't go into much detail about working with fiberglass and resin.
If you have never messed with the stuff before I would recommend you at least Google it
to get a few fundamentals of the process. You need to do some planning & prep to keep the project from becoming for the lack of a better word a giant mess.
Wear clothes you can throw away,
pre fit the chopped fiberglass mat to the shapes needed before you mix the resin as you will have a short window to get it applied. I dont like the woven cloth as it is more challenging to wet out.
Get a handful of cheap 1" paint brushes, paint sticks and save some empty plastic containers like antifreeze jugs to cut in half as disposable mixing bowls. Mix up small batches and work in sections to prevent wasting materials.
Put a heavy coat of wax on the hood before you begin to help the release of the new parts.
Take your time with the prep so you can move quick when the resin is activated.
you will need to rough up the inside of the scoop with a grinder to help with the bite of the new glass. Gotta sign out, its late. Hope this helps.