Drum Brakes for front

People throw away their left over parts when they disc convert. I dont have the money to buy a conversion or I would. I dont NEED disc because I dont have a race car. I would take them if they were cheap as a drum swap I could find. I have changed my mind and am going to swap the rear end instead. Back to original.

I gotcha, no problem. Just wondering. I just didn't want someone to haul off and do something without realizing all their options, that's the only reason I mentioned it. I did that, then regretted it later LOL. I get where you're coming from in a budget build. Carry on then!

EDIT: I agree that swapping the rear is probably the easiest/best option. People throw away 7 1/4" rears more often than even front drums, so finding a free/cheap one should not be a problem. Too bad you're not closer, I'd be interested in your 8 1/4"! /6 for the win!