Staying Motivated

I am having troubles getting motivated, but that is partially because it has been so dang cold here talking again -40 to -60 tomorrow with windchills. Even with a heated garage which Im sure can get up to 60*, I just have not been wanting to push the car to the center of the garage and start tearing into some of the issues. Mostly because I have to push the car back to the side so the Fiance can park back in the garage. To make it worse, I have a stack of new parts sitting in boxes waiting for me. Plenty to do, just not motivated to work on it. So I have been building model kits, painting the house and doing little projects here and there.
I got out in the garage the other day(+5 outside)as I was working under the car..on cardboard.A small stream was running in from the big big deal as I have a drain in center of the garage.Wrong,I guess some water had frozen in the drain and it started to pool around the drain.:sad1:Had to get the shopvac out and suck up water.I then went outside and made a dam from snow,to keep water from seeping in under the door.Next day -14 and a foot of going to +7 again,so will wait for the meltdown to finish.I did get some work done though.LOL