How many are using the factory amp meter

I ridid the dash because I have a melt down in the main harness. The meter was pegged full. I guess I'll bypass it. It just seems like good in insurance. It may have messed up or weakened the factory gauge. Thanks guys for the quick responses.

You need to figure out WHY your ammeter was pegged before you bypass it. Sounds like a wiring problem somewhere. Wiring issues can be a pain to track down if you're not sure where they originate. Do you have added-on accessories like a stereo or something? Was the dash harness tapped into for gauges? Check the connections at the firewall, look for chafed/broken wires, deformed bulkhead connector cavities, loose grounds, wires touching something etc.

Again, a melted ammeter is generally a symptom of a wiring issue elsewhere but becomes an issue itself because of it's design. And once more, if you have all the current in the car flowing through the ammeter and add unwanted/unregulated current through it, (short, resistance) it can/will melt the ammeter.