How many are using the factory amp meter

Millions of these gauges built and used. Statistically a good parts.
I don't have pics handy so to describe the most common failure I have seen...
There's a brass bar across. In the center is a tiny steel post like a piece of shirt pin that the needle pivots on. I cant tell there was anything more than a press fit.
For some reason ( maybe heat ) the steel post drops out of the brass. The needle assembly falls, contacts other parts, creates a short, fries. That aluminum practically disappears but not before burning a little scar in the bezels lens.

I wont agree with simply bypass the ALT' gauge and carry on blind. Add a volts gauge so you know what the charging system is doing.
Another point to ponder..
If you take those wires off the ALT' gauge and put them somewhere else.. Will they be in a more flammable environment ?