vin rivets

Inspection??? Who would be inspecting it and for what purpose? I live in Michigan and we have no inspections for anything old car related! Heck, we sold a car to a person in Canada and my brother was held up at the border for over 2 hours because the "inspector" didnt understand that an old car VIN only had 11 characters instead of the 14 she was used to seeing, and this was at an international border crossing!! I highly doubt any inspector around here would be knowledgeable to know what rivits hold on the dash tag!! Other states may vary, but here in the mitten, once its registered in your name, your only possible inspection would be a police officer pulling you over for an infraction, and I highly doubt there are many, if any, Mopar saavy policemen who would question a dash rivit, especially with the proper paperwork, which I believe the OP would have!!