Torque Boxes vs. Frame Connectors

So subframe connectors to prevent twist and the back torque boxes (or a similar form of frame gusseting) to keep the stress from the rear from transferring to the frame/body. Maybe the factory front boxes had more of an anti-twist purpose. All I'd ever heard was that the torque boxes were meant to strengthen the chassis. - Never anything more specific.

Sorry, just saw this had been posted before I did.

Torque boxes are to transfer the pressure applied to the body over a larger area (and give stiffining to otherwise 90 degree angles.)
In my oppinion they don't do anything really for body twist.

Subframe connectors don't fully eliminate body twist, but cut down on it.
They do however transfer the forward thrust through the car without the sheetmetal body having to withstand it all. (the body flexes a lot less with them)
It's interesting how much less odd noises you hear inside the car after they are installed.
The strange little creaking or groaning noises from the interior parts and panels are virtually gone.