How to deal with paranoia about fuel leaks

Just ignore it (your paranoia) and it'll go away, so here's a story.

Long ago and far away there were three boys. We won't change their names, even though they are all guilty. Mike, Bill, and Gary were up some hill and I believe they were coming back from a radio transmitter site.

Mike, a complete lunatic, and by the way is currently a Continental Captain (yes!! really!!) had some problem with the fuel system on his Renualt Dauphine. Now these are a true POS having no redeeming qualities. I wasn't there, but this was related to me. Evidently the fuel pump died.

So here's what "the boys" did.

They had some sort of container, possibly a soda bottle. They pirated some tube / hose, possibly from the windshield washer, and siphoned some fuel from the fuel tank into the bottle.

Now, One of them got sort'a "out" of the back window, holding the container, with the hose SIPHONING DOWN INTO THE CARB THROAT and attempting to control fuel by clamping the hose with ? pliers ?

And down the hill they came, one pepsi bottle at a time.