
Yeah, I ordered the same ones as you from rockauto. I never had this issue with the old ones, they were REALLY old, torn and flat though. They have been installed for a week now and I thought maybe they had to relax some but, they are still the same after a week. I will try the door adjustments and go from there. Thanks for the help.

I did my weatherstrip install over 6 monthe ago and just now are the doors starting to go flush. I have not opened and closed the doors much but they have been in the closed position for a while. my worst areas were the back top and bottom edge I adjusted the top striker in to help the top edge and just waited. the weather strip is a bit thicker than stock NOS stuff and a hair larger in diameter in the bulb so it does take a bit of adjusting and time to get it flush again. (plus I didn't really get my fender to door alignment correct.) I did get that setup too tight like most of us do trying to tighten up the gaps. I just finished setting the gaps to match(over 3/8 inch and under 7/16 by a hair at the cowl section) the original moredoor parts car that had never been wrecked and the doors now go flush. now I have to adjust the hood gaps$%^#%^$.