Dealership Problem

As Always I'm getting some great advice here.

I called Chrysler Customer Support to ask their opinion or to speak to a regional manager. The guy listened to my concerns, and asked what was our expectation and I told him. He put me on hold and came back stating the engine is covered by the 100k warranty so if anything does happen it will be covered. Also by calling and telling him what happened they opened a case file for her car so in the future if something happens they will have the report in the case to refer to.

The point made to keep bringing it to the same dealer for its future oil changes makes sense so they cannot claim anyone else serviced the car and caused the damage. I will ask the dealership to provide better documentation of the incident for our records.

I worked in dealerships years ago for Honda and Nissan ( Stop Laughing) and things were handled differently. Of course That was 4 owners ago for Chrysler.