Serious brain fart!!! Could it work??? Yall tell me!!!

I just had a serious awesome brain fart!!! (IMO) and perhaps a seriously CRAZY brain fart!! (Everyone else's opinion??)

Ok so here's some pointers... Slants built extremely tough.. Right?? I mean they have the same main bearings a 426!! The early ones also have forged cranks! (Do they have forged rods?? Idk) and on top of it all, the blocks are super thick!! Course you guys all know this stuff MUCH better than I do!!

Now... People turbo slants all the time right? Right. Turbo's help the torque a lot I hear!!

Here's my awesome or crazy (maybe both) idea (which y'all think it is?)... TURBO DIESEL SLANT!!! :burnout: :wav: what y'all think??? All comments welcome!! I already know I'm nuts so call me crazy if you want!!! :finga: