Hope GM is quakin' in their boots.............

today i got a saturn ion in for the exact same reason, the girl that drove the car read today about all these accidents happening and got scared of the car and brought it in before anything happened. i went to get the new "updated" ignition switch from parts and gm hasnt even released it yet. it wont be avaliable to dealers til the middle of april. and according to the gm recall policy if the driver brings the car in becasue they are "scared to drive it" they get a free rental car until its fixed. so the girl that came in today is getting a free rental til the middle of april!

Are they giving her a Saturn as a rental car? :sad1:

I have been doing car audio for about 23 years now and every time I work on a GM product, I wonder if a panel is not going to go on properly or if something is just going to stop working altogether. A friend of mine bought a Chevy Cruze and it was by far the worst car he had ever owned. GM replaced his engine once and turbo once - with less than 20K on it!

I gotta say...I would never buy a NEW domestic car. Some of them look great and are pretty flashy and spiffy but...meh, I won't believe the hype.

I have a 2010 Honda Fit and a 2003 Nissan 350Z - both cars are ridiculously reliable and have provided years of incredible performance, gas mileage and their build quality is pretty darn good too. I would never get a German car - unless I enjoy paying $800 for a fuel injector.