Electric Water Pump Question

jeff, I run the Moroso brand electric pump on my 71 Dart race car. I use the stainless shroud/electric fan combo that you are refering to. I mounted mine on the front of the radiator and use the fan as a pusher instead of a puller. the only small mod that I had to make was to put a small notch in the grill support that runs vertically behind the center of the grill. nothing nasty looking....jus a clean little notch to let the fan motor come in some. I'd say the notch is no more than 1/2 inch deep and 3 inches tall.

I go into the water box at 140 degrees, and turn the water pump and fan on when I cross the finish line. when I get back to the pit the engine is 170 degrees and it cools back to 140 in less than 5 minutes. I do have a big aluminum radiator, though.

I will take the measurements you asked for tomarrow after work.