Dealership Problem

The main reason this dealer is dancing around the barrel is because putting an engine in this car will big time hurt the dealers EPR rating ( expense , per, repair ) this is just one rating they deal with daily . I wonder did they give you an invoice for the incident when it was towed back to the shop ? If they did there fix it right score also took a hit . All these scores at the end of the day hurt the dealers discount when they buy cars from Fiat and cuts into the hold back money . I do agree that the customer should expect the car to be fixed right the first time but common sense does alway prevale . As you can see here driving the car 18 miles knowing you had a problem has caused the worse kind of situation you could want, your daughter now has doubt she is driving a safe car . I dont think my daughter would have stopped either , but there is no way a dealer is gonna put an engine in a car with no noises and good oil pressure .The only fortunate thing here is it happend at low mileage and if something were to happend you have 80 k for that to happend .Its really a shame it happend at all .