One of you needs to buy this

Been dealing in model cars (dealer promotionals) for a while. Just let me say, more than one person believes the car is worth more than 90 bucks. To help you understand, picture a person having no interest AT ALL in classic cars snuffing at the price people are willing to pay for a 340 duster, or hemi road runner. "Are you crazy paying 18000.00 dollars for a 1968???? You must be doing drugs, that's the price of a new car" Or, "your paying 3000.00 to soup up your motor when the speed limits 55 mph and your making it HARDER on gas????? Must be doing drugs...." It's either you know or it doesn't make sense..... How about this: I sold just a BOX (box only!) for a promo car for almost 200 bucks. But it was a certain, desired box. I knew it, and so did the buyer......