Keeping it Mopar Ignition Upgrade Cheap

Shouldn't take much to verify. Simply power up and spin the distributor by hand and see if it sparks. You do need to ground the distributor body to BATT-. Also twist the pickup wires for shielding. Run a spark tester right off the coil lead.

The 85-95 trucks I mentioned have the 8-pin HEI modules. Also termed "small cap distributor". As I stated, you just unplug and take the GM cable which runs from the module to coil. It is Weather-pack connectors. The other 2 connectors you snip off w/ extra wire (fun to molest GM vehicles). Many photos on-line if you search, including mine here.

Not usurping TrailBeast's business. I described this all a month or so before he started his ClassicHEI as far as I can tell. Not my idea, I got it all off the megasquirt site and others.