Hello from NJ w/72 Scamp

Hi all. I'm from NJ and will soon be the proud owner of this '72 Scamp. It is my wife's grandma's and she doesn't drive anymore so she is bequething it to us. I never considered myself a historic owner, but the price was right. Then searching around this site and googling images, I am slowly beginning to love these A-bodies.

I was originally planning on just driving this thing, but the more I look it may very well turn into a long term project car. We'll see. I was always a Jeep man ready to sling mud and whine my MTs on the hiway, so being close to terra firma is new to me.

Anyway, here's a few snapshots of the car. The battery is dead but tomorrow my pops and I are going to get her started. Here's looking to learn from ya'll. Sorry about the weird color, the wife was getting artsy on the iPhone and I didn't realize it. Thanks, Rich.